Submit your real wedding!

Did you get married in Yorkshire? Would you want to showcase your wedding or engagement session on our blog? We’d love to hear from you and spread the word about your big day. This is how to submit your wedding to our blog.

Submit your wedding

It is FREE to submit your pictures and the rules are pretty simple. If you’d like your wedding to be featured on our Awesome Yorkshire Wedding blog then all you need to do is to send us an email containing:

  1. Your name
  2. Your wedding date and venue
  3. A brief description of the day (if you have published it on any other blogs including your own website then please make sure the description is unique)
  4. A selection of your wedding or engagement photos without watermarks via Gdrive, Dropbox, Wetransfer or similar (no more than 100 photos please)
  5. Details of your wedding photographer and any other wedding suppliers

Please send your wedding/engagement story to

Real wedding submissions  – The small print

We accept submissions from brides and grooms as well as from photographers. Once your wedding pictures have been published on our blog copyright remains with the original author of the images. Please seek your photographer’s permission before submitting your wedding pictures.

By submitting these images you are authorising them to be used for the real wedding feature and for potential further features on website and our associated social media channels including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest. Of course you will be credited each each these images are used.

Awesome Yorkshire Weddings will carefully review each wedding submission and as we’d love to publish all wedding stories submitted we may choose not to accept a submission if it doesn’t meet our criteria eg. it has been published on too many blogs, we already have too many wedding stories of the same style, same venue etc…


Have you been featured on our blog? Copy the code below and display our badge on your website.

Featured wedding Badge (100px x 100px)

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Featured on Awesome Yorkshire Weddings" /></a>

Featured on Awesome Yorkshire Weddings

Featured wedding Badge (150px x 150px)

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Featured on Awesome Yorkshire Weddings" /></a>

Featured on Awesome Yorkshire Weddings

Featured wedding Badge (200px x 200px)

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Featured on Awesome Yorkshire Weddings" /></a>

Featured on Awesome Yorkshire Weddings